syi product pictures are specially processed, if you need real pictures of the product or more details, please contact us before the products are shipped, we will carefully verify to ensure that they are all perfect.product information: 1 the product has the brand`s original pattern and logo if there is no bag you like in my store, you can also contact me.
if there is no bag you like in my store, you can also contact me. we have all kinds of bags here, and i will make a separate link for you the quality of this bag is particularly good can be assured to buy hope you have a pleasant shopping experience friends if you need to buy in large quantities you can contact me and i will give you the most favorable price.
syi.goods good price achieve a win-win situation with customers the price of this product is not the base price, the larger the quantity, the more preferential, there are no restrictions on quantity and type of goods purchased in this shop, please get in touch with me..
this product can be used for commercial or household purposes, and is widely used in occasions such as festivals, gatherings, and events. this product includes hair dryers, balloons, sandbags, fixing hooks, fixing ropes, and fixing straps.
.constructed using high-quality materials, this outdoor inflatable provides durability and longevity while maintaining its vibrant appearance even after multiple uses. of origin guangdong, china length otherholiday name othersupport dimmer nostyle led lightlighting solutions service lighting and circuitry designlifespan (hours) 50000working time (hours) 50000product name led holiday decoration lightapplication party material plasticusage indoor outdoor festival decorationpower supply batterykeyword festival decoration led string lightslight source led sourceled color customerized color avaliableoccasion christmas party holiday decoation.
good elasticity;nice stitching;loosed fit and comfortable the design is printed with new age printing technology, direct-to-garment.size: asian size 3xl is equivalent to eu (us) size xl.