Braut Bräutigam Papierserviette Partybevorzugung Cocktail Tee Abendessen Zuhause Hochzeit Party Dekoration Einwegzubehör Geschirr 20 Stück/B
051 package:opp bag.. size detail: a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q:33*33cm(opened size) r,s,t,u: 32x32cm(opened size) material: original wood pulp number of layers: 2layers packing: 20 piece / bag.model us dollar is : simulation 1: 1 us dollar 100 (note: is the same size of the printing part) specification: 330mm * 330mm (3 layers 4 fold / sheets; 10pcs / bag) product standard number: gb / t20808 health standard number: gb15979 health permit: zhejiang weihuo zi (2008) no.