all bags are the same as the original, made of togo cowhide, with ingenuity showing the beauty of handwork and releasing the vitality of leather the quality of the bag is very good, you can buy it with confidence buyers may return the item(s) for a refund if they are not as described or with quality issues within 7 days from the day the item(s) were received..the buyer is required to afford the return shipping cost, based on the condition of the item(s) received real leather clasp bags,welcome to ask more pictures here.
syi you will satisfied with the shopping experience in our store.high-quality and comfortable wearing experience, fashion and leisure, all-match shopping, gatherings with family and friends, your shopping choice. if you need other styles, you can also consult us with pictures,pictures are taken in kind, with slight chromatic aberration, subject to the real thing working.
integrated safety mechanisms ensure secure operation with dual blowers one inflates the structure, while another maintains optimal interior conditions, keeping participants comfortable throughout their session. constructed using durable materials, our inflatable studio booth boasts superior strength without compromising its lightweight nature, ensuring easy setup and quick breakdown at various locations.
products have been strictly tested 100% to ensure that there are no quality problems before sending goods.please allow slight difference due to manual measurement and a little color variation for different display setting.. please carefully check size chart if have.
. easy setup & portability: designed for ease of use, these inflatable spray paint booths offer hassle-setup thanks to their lightweight nature and compact size when deflated. advanced filter system: integrated into our design is an advanced filtering mechanism that efficiently purifies incoming air while effectively expelling toxic fumes produced during the painting process.