Welcome to our store, we have the most affordable price and no less quality than others! They look the same as original bags , trendy elegant. These bags will come with logo and original box , genuine leather , high end heavy metal chain , caviar is cowskin , soft leather is sheepskin which is much better than the pu leather. The bag will come with brand box and dust bag, we have many other brand designer bags and wallets , please contact us if you want the catalog. Excellent workmanship on the whole bag and stitches makes it look very gorgeous heavy chain and logo are made from high grade quality metal . Believe us, choose us will be your Better choice,we will give you a Better shopping price and buying experien If you need real pictures of the product or more information about the product, please contact us by private message first,thank you, we will give you the product information and pictures you want!.syi
Bags,Luggage & Accessories>Fashion Bags>Totes
Top Crochet Totes Bag Clutch Women Shoulder Travel Hobo Famous Shoulder Bags Large Luxurys Designers Patent Leather Crossbody Handbag Purses
Specifications of Top Crochet Totes Bag Clutch Women Shoulder Travel Hobo Famous Shoulder Bags Large Luxurys Designers Patent Leather Crossbody Handbag Purses | |
Category | Luggage & Bags > Backpacks |
Instock | instock |