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,if some similar to other brands,hope the brands boss can understand,not infringed.the buyer is required to afford the return shipping real leather clasp bags,welcome to ask more pictures here.syi.
versatile household use - ideal for multiple applications including storing dirty clothes, holding clean linens ready for washing, transporting items during cleaning tasks, or even serving as an oversized beverage container at parties. waterproof material - constructed using high-quality waterproof plastic, this laundry bucket effectively prevents leaks and spills, offering peace of mind when carrying heavy loads of wet garments or liquids.
all bags are the same as the original, made of togo cowhide, with ingenuity showing the beauty of handwork and releasing the vitality of leather the quality of the bag is very good, you can buy it with confidence buyers may return the item(s) for a refund if they are not as described or with quality issues within 7 days from the day the item(s) were received.
,if some similar to other brands,hope the brands boss can understand,not infringed..all bags are the same as the original, made of togo cowhide, with ingenuity showing the beauty of handwork and releasing the vitality of leather the quality of the bag is very good, you can buy it with confidence buyers may return the item(s) for a refund if they are not as described or with quality issues within 7 days from the day the item(s) were received.