our store provides original 1:1 quality designer bags,each one meticulously crafted by skilled artisans. all kinds of items are one price for one item.then according the information that you provide.syi whether it is style, color, or accessories, we can customize according to your preferences if those items you want have not displayed in the store, please contact us, send us a picture of the item which you want, and explain the specific requirements such as color, size, species of skin. the packaging is high-grade and very exquisite we use original leather and high-end hardware to ensure that every detail is perfect in addition to all hand-made bags, we also offer personalized customization services, so that you have a unique bag.
Bags,Luggage & Accessories > Fashion Bags > Totes
Edizione Limitata Edizione Più Alta All Bag Borsa Di Design Fatta A Mano TOTE BAM FRANCE IN PIELLA IN PIEGNAMENTO 30 SURIVITE BASSE DI CUCIM
Specifications of Edizione Limitata Edizione Più Alta All Bag Borsa Di Design Fatta A Mano TOTE BAM FRANCE IN PIELLA IN PIEGNAMENTO 30 SURIVITE BASSE DI CUCIM | |
Category | Bagagli e borse > Zaini |
Instock | instock |