women luxurys designers bags handbag,contact me if you need brand waist bag,i will send you more pictures for you to choose. follow strict manufacture working instrucing and do careful inspection before ship out..syi they look the same as original bags , trendy elegant material and made by standard processes. i hope we can do a successful business at this time excellent workmanship on the whole bag and stitches makes it look very gorgeous heavy chain and logo are made from high grade quality metal .
Bags,Luggage & Accessories > Waist Bags
Borsa Per Gnocchi Stampata Alla Moda Da Donna Alla Moda, Borsa A Tracolla Da Donna Di Grande Capacità
Specifications of Borsa Per Gnocchi Stampata Alla Moda Da Donna Alla Moda, Borsa A Tracolla Da Donna Di Grande Capacità | |
Category | Bagagli e borse > Zaini |
Instock | instock |