the quality is very good, please rest assured to buy, this product will not let you down, perfect product.shoulder bag. you can see and get the same, + quality,now the bag is very popular the bag have many colors.pls choose the correct color. this product uses high-quality fabrics and is directly produced and sent by the factory.waist bags,belt bags,wallet,purse. all pictures are ps of the bag , if you want see real picture , you can ask us for more detailed pictures before placing your order. and uses high-quality fabrics and is directly produced and sent by the factory. will not let you down, perfect product..syi after production, it will be delivered to the logistics department immediately and delivered with dust proof bags.
Bags,Luggage & Accessories > Fashion Bags > Cross Body
Bolso Bandolera Bolso De Diseñador Bolso De Sillín Con Hebilla De Caballo Para Mujer Bolso Bandolera Retro De Un Solo Hombro De Piel De Vaca
Specifications of Bolso Bandolera Bolso De Diseñador Bolso De Sillín Con Hebilla De Caballo Para Mujer Bolso Bandolera Retro De Un Solo Hombro De Piel De Vaca | |
Category | Maletas y bolsos de viaje > Mochilas |
Instock | instock |