popular styles with strong timeliness..syi all the pictures are the actual ps of the bags you will get. you can ask us for more detailed pictures before placing orders. you can see and get the same quality the product have slight color difference in different lighting, the actual color please prevail in kind.product size by manual measurement, there may be a certain error. please carefully measure the size of your feet and choose the color and style required by your order.if there is a small gap between the left and right feet, the larger one shall prevail. please choose us, long term cooperation to create a win-win situation this product adopts brand-new fabrics, accessories and exquisite craftsmanship, stylish fabric structure, texture, color, pattern. we hope that we can bring every consumer a good shopping mood.
Shoes & Accessories > Dress Shoes
Zapatos De Vestir De Cuero Genuino Para Hombre Diseñador Caballeros Marca De Lujo Pisos Oficiales Negro Casual Confort Aliento Mocasines Zap
Specifications of Zapatos De Vestir De Cuero Genuino Para Hombre Diseñador Caballeros Marca De Lujo Pisos Oficiales Negro Casual Confort Aliento Mocasines Zap | |
Category | Ropa y accesorios > Calzado |
Instock | instock |