this product uses high-quality fabrics and is directly produced and sent by the factory.waist bags,belt bags,wallet,purse..syi if you mind, please buy with caution. all pictures are actual ps of the bag you will get. we are a manufacturer with ten years of experience and operate with integrity the quality of the bag is very good can be at ease buy our products are directly supplied by the factory. you can ask us for more detailed pictures before placing your order. if the product has slight lines and slight color difference under different light, it is normal. we will send the package as soon as possible and deliver it to the customer as quickly as possible.
Bags,Luggage & Accessories > Fashion Bags > Totes
Vintage Luxury Tote Designer Shopping Bag 2 Piece Set Never Shopper Leather Tote Denim Shopping Bag Weekend Casual Travel Bag Beach Bag Comm
Specifications of Vintage Luxury Tote Designer Shopping Bag 2 Piece Set Never Shopper Leather Tote Denim Shopping Bag Weekend Casual Travel Bag Beach Bag Comm | |
Category | Luggage & Bags > Backpacks |
Instock | instock |