they look the same as original bags , trendy elegant.syi before the products are shipped, we will carefully verify to ensure that they are all high-quality with labels and logo product pictures are specially processed, we only sell well-known brand product, please rest assured to buy please be assured of product quality excellent workmanship on the whole bag and stitches makes it look very gorgeous heavy chain and logo are made from high grade quality metal .
Bags,Luggage & Accessories > Fashion Bags > Shoulder Bags
Trendige Taschen Neue Designer Handtaschen Trendy Modes Messenger Net Red Single Schulterhand Hand
Specifications of Trendige Taschen Neue Designer Handtaschen Trendy Modes Messenger Net Red Single Schulterhand Hand | |
Category | Taschen & Gepäck > Rucksäcke |
Instock | instock |