we have our own factory, if you have other bags you like, you can also send us pictures by private message, we will find the bag you need as soon as possible and provide an affordable price for you we sell all kinds of designer bags, welcome to browse more products in our store, the products in our store are real, if you have any questions about the products you like, please contact us :).syi material: genuine leather.many fashion leather bags in our store , envelope,bucket,shell,flap,saffiano,composite bag and wallets ,we can ensure the quality , we can do retail and whole sale .
Bags,Luggage & Accessories > Wallets & Holders > Wallets
Klassische Karierte Reißverschluss-Geldbörse Aus Vollleder, Münztasche, Geldbörse Aus Vollleder, Kartenhalter Für Damen, Kurze Geldbörse, 11
Specifications of Klassische Karierte Reißverschluss-Geldbörse Aus Vollleder, Münztasche, Geldbörse Aus Vollleder, Kartenhalter Für Damen, Kurze Geldbörse, 11 | |
Category | Taschen & Gepäck > Rucksäcke |
Instock | instock |