inflammation of the tendon attachment painful inflammation of tendon attachments due to overexertion or improper strain,or due to degenerative processes acupuncture points pain therapy through that treatment of acupuncture points painful trigger points acute and chronic pain in the back,shoulder,neck,etc.due to permanently shortened and thickened muscles golfer is elbow painful inflammation of the tendon attachment on the medial elbow shockwave is aimed at the affected areas that are the source of chronic pain. the influence of the shockwaves causes to the dissolution of calcium deposits and leads to better vascularization..syi
Health & Beauty > Health Care > Magnetic Therapy
Nichtinvasive Heimanwendung Elektromagnetische ESWT Extrakorporale Stoßwellen-Schmerzlinderung Bei Erektiler Dysfunktion Bei Männern ED-Beha
Specifications of Nichtinvasive Heimanwendung Elektromagnetische ESWT Extrakorporale Stoßwellen-Schmerzlinderung Bei Erektiler Dysfunktion Bei Männern ED-Beha | |
Category | Gesundheit & Schönheit > Gesundheitspflege |
Instock | instock |