the quality is very good, please rest assured to buy own factory, more pictures please contact me this bags with all logo. but we could not show in the pictures, in the front of the bag, there is a logo in the button and the straps and inside the bag, don't hesitate to buy classic handbag composite handbag large tote bag ,this bag is not real leather. the blue,green,grey color is dark suitable for shopping dinners outings parties camping christmas halloween valentine's day thanksgiving day mother's day easter day fool's day various occasions channel bag leisure bag classic bag fanny pack women's style bag city messenger bag flap bag shopping bag organ bag solid color bag designer bag chain bag channel bag purses designer woman inall categories.syi
Bags,Luggage & Accessories > Fashion Bags > Totes
Designer-Handtaschen Damen-Lederhandtasche Große Einkaufstasche Hochwertige Einkaufstasche Aus Weichem Segeltuch Mit Kleinem Beutel Staubbeu
Specifications of Designer-Handtaschen Damen-Lederhandtasche Große Einkaufstasche Hochwertige Einkaufstasche Aus Weichem Segeltuch Mit Kleinem Beutel Staubbeu | |
Category | Taschen & Gepäck > Rucksäcke |
Instock | instock |