syi.1 before the products are shipped we will carefully verify to ensure that they are all highquality with labels and logo if there are unlabeled only the product itself has no label and logo 2 generally we will ship within 3 days if there is no inventory wait up to 7 days 3 product pictures are specially processed we only sell wellknown brand product please rest assured to buy 4 please be assured of product quality we will strictly control it box has card receipt ribbon shopping bag 5 good quality makes you more charming we have our own shoes factorywe only make products welcome to buy directly.
2024 sac à main dames sacs de luxe créateurs mini sac de loisirs sac fourre-tout the bags come in sizes of 37 centimeters and 25 centimeters, and many buyers have reported that our product quality is very good.
dear friends, when paying for the order, please check whether the address and contact information are correct , please leave your full name to receive the package.
syi after shipment, you will get tracking information and 3-5 working days you will receive about 15 -60 days.. we don't have boxes of product shipped, it's faster through customs, to avoid be detained by the customs.
we don't have boxes of product shipped, it's faster through customs, to avoid be detained by the customs..syi after shipment, you will get tracking information and 3-5 working days you will receive about 15 -60 days.if you have any questions about the product, please contact us in your order.