this product uses high-quality fabrics and is directly produced and sent by the factory.waist bags,belt bags,wallet,purse. you can ask us for more detailed pictures before placing your order. all pictures are actual ps of the bag you will get. all the pictures in the store are taken in kind,please rest assured to buy.some products due to the shooting light,angle and color display,the real and picture may be a little different. the quality is very good, please rest assured to buy, this product will not let you down, perfect product ..syi
Bags,Luggage & Accessories > Fashion Bags > Totes
Sac à Main De Styliste Pour Femmes, Sac à Bandoulière De Luxe à Rabat Pliable, Fourre-tout à Double Usage, Multi-usages, Noir, Petit
Specifications of Sac à Main De Styliste Pour Femmes, Sac à Bandoulière De Luxe à Rabat Pliable, Fourre-tout à Double Usage, Multi-usages, Noir, Petit | |
Category | Bagages et maroquinerie > Sacs à dos |
Instock | instock |