the quality is very good, please rest assured to buy own factory, more pictures please contact me this bags with all logo. but we could not show in the pictures, in the front of the bag, there is a logo in the button and the straps and inside the bag, don't hesitate to buy "excellent workmanship on the whole bag and stitches makes it look very gorgeous high grade quality metal chain and good patters logos they look the same as original bags , trendy and elegant" this small flap bag is very suitable for leisure use, work, dating, parties and travel. it is also a perfect gift for yourself, your wife, and your girlfriend, especially on birthdays, mother's day,.syi
Bags,Luggage & Accessories > Sport&Outdoor Packs > Backpack
5A Sac à Dos Sac à Dos De Luxe Pour Femmes Et Hommes Sac à Dos De Voyage Sacs D'école Pour étudiants Mode Classique Imprimé Pvc Enduit Parqu
Specifications of 5A Sac à Dos Sac à Dos De Luxe Pour Femmes Et Hommes Sac à Dos De Voyage Sacs D'école Pour étudiants Mode Classique Imprimé Pvc Enduit Parqu | |
Category | Bagages et maroquinerie > Sacs à dos |
Instock | instock |