factory sales directly adopt durable pearl opp bag applied to digital accessories package,food storage,gift display on retail store.if total cost more than 100usd,we would deliver the items to you via international express like dhl,ups,tnt,you would get the parcel around 7-10 days.your logo also can printed on it.we can also offer you packaging stickers,custom packaging bag,envelope,business card and so on.please send us details like size quantity the pictures of design so that we can talk futher details.
Office & School & Business & Industrial > Packaging,Printing & Shipping > Packaging Bags
100pcs / Lot Mette Sous-vêtements Plastique Emballage Fermeture à Glissière Serrure Sac Debout Sac De Détail Vierge Blanc Blanc Et Noir Sac
Specifications of 100pcs / Lot Mette Sous-vêtements Plastique Emballage Fermeture à Glissière Serrure Sac Debout Sac De Détail Vierge Blanc Blanc Et Noir Sac | |
Category | Entreprise et industrie |
Instock | instock |