this is a replica item. we are alwasy here ready to offer our service to you .any problems , please feel to leave us messages or talk online the product is exactly what you saw in the picture and descriped in the details .there maybe tiny color differentces owing to the light , please understand it.syi we assume no responsibility for authentic representation we will not be liable for any reproductions representation may cause. reminders: this is a replica copy of the original and has no monetary value ( material : brass or copper core, with gold plated only ) this is sold only to make your collection better.
Home & Garden > Arts,Crafts & Gifts > Arts and Crafts
Stratofortress Cadeau B52 Usa Air Force Défi Militaire Pièce Forces Spéciales Souvenirs Pièces Cadeau Médaille Antique
Specifications of Stratofortress Cadeau B52 Usa Air Force Défi Militaire Pièce Forces Spéciales Souvenirs Pièces Cadeau Médaille Antique | |
Category | Arts et loisirs > Loisirs et arts créatifs > Loisirs créatifs |
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