we have mainstream styles of bags available in the world. it is suitable for college students and office workers, and is a very practical designer bag for more detailed pictures of the bag, you can contact the seller we mainly sell various designer bags from different brands. this is a large handbag made of genuine leather material that can accommodate a 13 inch lap the bottom of the bag has support, and no matter how much you put, it won't deform. if you need to find more styles of other bags, please contact us with pictures attached. thank you.syi
Bags,Luggage & Accessories > Shopping Bags
Luxus -Willow -Einkaufstaschen 35 Cm Großer Handtasche Laptop Leder -Umhängetasche Für Damen Tägliche Arbeit Designertasche
Specifications of Luxus -Willow -Einkaufstaschen 35 Cm Großer Handtasche Laptop Leder -Umhängetasche Für Damen Tägliche Arbeit Designertasche | |
Category | Taschen & Gepäck > Rucksäcke |
Instock | instock |